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tv   [untitled]    October 13, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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demonstrators across the world call for an end to austerity global noise protests kick off in more than thirty countries with rallies currently underway in the u.s. . the u.n. approves a resolution paving the way for military action to tackle islamists in the west african country of mali the move comes amid criticism international action in libya created the crisis to begin with and spurred on. the end of the family of a journalist working with the russian media in syria tells our t.v. she was kidnapped in an area of intense clashes between the government and to the
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rebels. from our studios in central moscow this is r.t. certainly glad to have you with us it is being described as a wake up call for the world against austerity global noise protests are planned for more than thirty countries throughout the week with one of the major rallies having already taken place in madrid. is among the crowds in the spanish capital. madrid has been witnessing very loud and very mass protests during the day with thousands marching the streets thousands gathering here at central square in madrid people have been saying that they have grown fed up with the country's government's policies in the sterett see every fourth spenny are in fact is now out of jobs the
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unemployment rate is about twenty five percent and over with the spanish government promising more cuts in budget coming next year definitely the people are getting more and more angry as certainly they get more and more hungry and there are certainly very warring calls for madrid because some protests which have been taking place in its wealthiest region in spain's wealthiest region cut the lumia some people there have been demanding independence from madrid and. this protest particular protest in barcelona in catalonia comes only a day after the e.u. was awarded the nobel peace prize for maintaining peace and unity throughout the continent and definitely these events in catalonia suggest that they may not be such unity across the european continent as the nobel committee may consider this book protest has not been violent but we cannot rule anything out when it comes to a spanish protest because in the past there have been clashes with the police in fact this week having clashes in catalonia in barcelona in madrid definitely this
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this particular protest in madrid is only a part of a huge string of global protests in spain alone there were thirty cities protesting expecting another week of protests which is called the global noise wender stand that everywhere across the world protests have happened during the day in melbourne in australia in italy in rome in venice in new york so definitely this is a very global a major movement the main idea of these protests is anti-capitalism that the people are unwilling to pay their own money for the bank loans which the countries have been having over the past several months as the austerity grips. spain in particular and many other european countries there's no indication whatsoever that these protests will die down wender stand that at least for another week people will be gathering it in at least thirty five countries across the world. reporting for us there now spanish journalist and writer me home says european debt is so prevalent that it has replaced the single currency. piling up more and more there
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because of these fellows who already have a banking bailout which is worth what we don't know exactly how much yet but probably will be around fifty billion euros and their need for spain goes for the full day out even more than that so yes i guess debt has become the common currency of the european union rather than the euro itself that there is now this central issue of the economic crisis we've come to a point in which it has become unbearable it makes impossible growth and it forces us the structures of a study to try to basically stalling the economy and killing growth the reason why i think that the european union sits. is because he's. trying to solve the underlying problem here no matter whether you have the nobel peace prize the fact is that they were opinion does not have a working a functioning democracy and a global noise continues to make itself heard as protests again momentum across the
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u.s. in new york activists have set out on a march through the city. from the international action center explains what's pushing the public onto the streets to demonstrate. there is plenty of austerity going on in the united states food stamps a program that millions of people in the u.s. depend on so they can have the kind of food is being cut college prices are going to now they have kind of halted it because they're really they're planning after the elections to really have austerity basically global noise is saying we're not going to be silent because right now the banks are coming for us and they're they're cutting all of the programs you know there's mass unemployment there's cutting in government spending in the governments of the world are just having to pay back the banks and in the process our futures are being destroyed our educations it's impossible to get an education in this country without rising debt there's mass unemployment and what we're saying is we're going to be a global noise we are the next generation the youth and youth part of the working
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class as our future is being destroyed we're not going to silently sit back and let them destroy our future we're going to be louder we're going to be confrontational and we're going to demand that this stop austerity is a crime against the people these cuts are crime against us and we're going to demonstrate or any louder i'm going to oppose it. meanwhile in europe desperation over dead means count strapped italy is planning to dip its hands into the church collection ten. new plans might leave the vatican bank feeling the pinch and the cafeteria looks set to lose its tax exempt status plus. the better late than never japan's justice minister admits after thirty years of silence to having ties to the country's mafia known as they got bruises. and u.s. pharmacists claimed the company was sponsible for a meningitis outbreak forced them to prepare dangerous narcotics and conditions they'd be safe those and more online at our website r t v dot com.
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the gold fever. turns thousands into c.n.n. it's a must but also brotherhood involved in the mines and says. i think that in this country. as an environmental cost which is unacceptable local business was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups prices colombia going to pay. the full effect.
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to welcome back here with r.t. glad to have you with us the u.n. security council has approved a resolution that could see a military intervention in mali the west african republic wants help to deal with islamic extremists who have taken over the north of the country the nation was plunged into chaos in march after a coup toppled president rebels and islamists took advantage of the instability seizing the north and proclaiming independence the resolution also called for secular rebel groups in the country to sever ties with al qaeda and enter talks to end the crisis historian gerald horne explains why it might be too late for the world community to clean up a mess that can be traced back to foreign interference in libya. there is no question that what is happening in mali which is a humanitarian crisis and disaster is a direct outgrowth of the north atlantic countries intervention in libya in two
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thousand and eleven in order to dislodge colonel gadhafi and not that when a country has had to tons of weapons into libya which inevitably leaked into neighboring mali which they're to for had been relatively stable with the leaking of these weapons into mali you saw the eruption of civil unrest and then military unrest in northern mali and now what we have is that a now quite like formation has taken hold of a region of northern mali that is the mortar than the state of france what is followed in what has happened in the wake of the overthrow of the authorities and bomb a ko has been the flogging of suspected criminals the taste of and suspected. the persecution of single mothers tens of thousands have fled into neighboring algeria mauritania nice share it's also fair to say that this
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event in northern mali has given a jolt of success to so-called as long as this throughout northern and northwestern africa. and the after paris sponsor of the un resolution on malley al qaeda was quick to respond by threatening to open the doors of hell for french nationals living in the country this comes as the leader of a terrorist group called for jihad against the us praising last month's assaults on the consulate in libya that killed four diplomats middle east expert james petrus but he is going through a resurgence as a result of washington's own actions what we have here is the unfolding of a very opportunistic policy the u.s. government and in particular the obama regime supported al qaeda elements freshly out of benghazi that were anti kadafi washington's thinking on this is that they could use the. extremists to overthrow
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gadhafi and then discard them. and of course this policy has backfired the al qaeda elements very strong they've moved from libya in part to syria and once again washington is playing that game of using al-qaeda against the. regime thinking that once they overthrown them they can impose some pro western ex-pats in power and what we saw in libya is that's not the case the al qaeda people are not going to allow themselves to be used and discarded washington thinks they're using al-qaeda al-qaeda deliberately take sounds and money from washington and from the european nato forces and then turns their guns the other way it's
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a mutual manipulation that's going on here. the family of a journalist who was assisting russian news outlets in syria has told our to you that she has been kidnapped near the city of holmes the area is the scene of intense fighting between government forces and the opposition our correspondent in the region. is following the story. the husband. of a hard question of why has contacted the r.t.m. saying that she was abducted on her quote you i was working in syria she has been there for almost a year and now she has been to all the major hotspots in this country torn by the civil war as well as russian diplomats in syria are working on establishing what exactly has happened to car and where for whereabouts could be we have also been contacted by one of her cold weeks and this is how she described the situation where you know the time had a great hopes to help freshen journalists. since then. and haven't been need to
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return. events tomorrow channels that she was capturing. people not far from syria remains a highly unstable ground for work for journalists well known are going to zation reporters without borders have come out with an open letter directed at the free syrian army they have said and i'm quoting that they have been condemning the attacks on foreign and local journalists by the subversion they have also unfortunately witnessed. and have received reports from syria's pro-government media who are saying that they have been increasingly becoming targets of abduction and murder of targets of opposition groups while foreign journalists are also reporting that they are being targets of death threats from opposition groups of course he will be keeping a close eye on the situation in regards to the journalists missing in syria.
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britain is failing to honor its own heroes veterans who saved countless lives during the second world war they risked themselves on perilous journeys to help their brothers in arms for explains what has been stopping their valor from being properly recognized. think the worst journey in the world winston churchill's description of the grim ordeal faced the british soldiers who were part of the arctic convoys during world war two getting supplies to russian forces the convoy face danger from above and below you could not see your base and aircraft it was tied into the spray and. it was. there i mean the temperature was. below zero i mean i was i can years of age eighteen years of age going up to russia and then do an order. but we done it were
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a good hour because the chopper to be done. stories and memories are among the most harrowing of the war for the russians it was more than just supplies it was psychological support contributing hugely to the war effort that's why in april the russian president awarded the issue of medal to the allies he taking part in the convoy missions but incredibly the push governments blocking russia from rewarding british veterans for their valor. of the arctic convoys in recognition of your outstanding contribution inter allied cooperation due to world war two the description american attack. apparently. unless the british government. is a non starter what i think. forgivable war the foreign office third it's against the rules in order for permission to be given for an award to be accepted
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there has to be a specific service to the country concerned and that service should have taken place within the previous five years john's wife says that's ridiculous they're all late eighty's early ninety's some of them what on earth are they supposed to do over the last five years they still pray at maine or what they were during the war it never leaves. so why are they being painted and not being given this. i think it's disgraceful absolutely disgraceful angry not just from a whole mile the ship might those here and those who passed on across the bars please cite to me this discussed in june says it's time the current prime minister says that to be the decent thing common diver a while now should we was there in them days yes we were all in together us the
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russians the americans for the belgium yes we were all in it together they currently we've been left there because you believe we can lift this medal everybody's go. early but the foreign countries get a we're not there the campaign is in both britain and russia i refusing to back down in pushing the government to get these men properly rewarded for their bravery it's. really extraordinary service and the worth of important people during the work to see that. in the pivotal wartime allies he found friendship the real adversity illustrated by john's pictures and stories of his time working with the russians down saying. these are the medals that dorothy for his heroic cure in world
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war two he was hoping along with the other veterans involved in the arctic convoys to add the issue called medal to their collection but as long as the british government continues to refuse to allow them to be awarded they won't be adding that medal that they say does sarah firth r.t. london. twenty eight million people are expected to head to the polls across russia for regional unified. voting day more than fifty seven thousand candidates will be running for posts ranging from regional heads to municipal officials and for the first time since two thousand and four people will also be choosing governors in newly reinstated elections monday in a question of a has a story for. the first time since two thousand and four russian vote will directly choose who takes charge of their regions following last december's waves of antigovernment protests the biggest in russia's recent history it since calls to police who reforms have been answered at the time during the protests to people
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demanded changes in how elections that carried out in particular they wanted to bring baghdad wrecked regional elections even to see more representatives from the opposition at the parliament then president need to be scrapped the old system which saw a regional officials hand picked by the government well also making it easier for new political parties to emerge giving a more competitive complection to the local elections so this sunday will see choosing from an unprecedented number of candidates themselves who they believe is more of the governing. and while russians are casting their votes many experts are hopeful the reinstated elections will help raise the political awareness of the people as well as bring leaders to power that understand local problems however political expert. says some opposition candidates will face problems adapting to the new system. cancellation of the election of regional governors and russian
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political reasons. to unify the regions because every governor has his own agenda and as a result the country was somewhat divided the introduction of elections for regional governors is now being implemented gradually and this is a very important step in the creation of a civil society civil institutions is giving more responsibility to the voters and could also increase the level of professionalism of the elected officials however some members of the opposition need based programs as their main professional quality is limited to criticizing the government and when they find themselves in a position of power they can become helpless position members really make successful government officials and this is their biggest problem the opposition has to prove to the people that that is not only of criticism it's being constructive. now let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world for you but. a suicide bomber has killed at least seventeen people after blowing himself up in
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a market in pakistan's northwest he was supposedly targeting pro-government militia as well as local tribal leaders no group has admitted to the attack but pakistani taliban militants have carried out similar attacks against elders who have helped the government flush out insurgents. two suicide attacks in southern afghanistan have claimed the lives of at least eight people the first blast was aimed at afghan intelligence officers and was carried out by the taliban the second explosion targeted local policeman they follow a chain of attacks by insurgents seeking to undermine government attempts to secure the region. iran is considering limiting uranium enrichment if it is allowed to fuel for a scientific reactor from abroad the foreign ministry says if other nations respect its right to peaceful nuclear energy iran could keep enrichment below twenty percent iran is suffering from western backed economic sanctions aimed at halting its nuclear program over suspicions its making atomic weapons which tehran denies.
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the cleanup operation is underway in scotland after flash flooding sparked by a brain swept away homes in the east of the country and some parts of the average monthly rainfall came down in just twelve hours of urgency services sandbags evacuated locals to safety and to rescue stranded stranded motorists. sunday worship it used to be routine for millions of americans but today the congregations are looking a little thin artie's lawyer finished went on to the big streets of the big apple to see whether new yorkers need a faith a lift. a new pew poll indicated one in five americans has no religion and more and more americans are becoming atheists is america losing its religion and if so why this
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week let's talk about that i think as we get smarter we realize all the religions are the same you look at each different book every book has a similar story. it's all the same we're on one planet there should be one war doesn't matter if you're in pakistan or new jersey see more people that maybe keep to themselves i mean you can be religious without going to a sanctuary or something along those lines so i think the perception is probably changed a lot i just got baptized last year everybody has their own way of coming to their beliefs but for us it was just you know we're getting older and you know we're getting closer to those they say the pearly gates. but we're grose was insurance you got baptized for insurance purposes right. believe what you want to believe but don't force it on other people or use it for you know things that hurt other people is that what it is is that people see organized religion as something detrimental
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to other people well i'm speaking i guess for mostly myself here but yeah that's what makes sense to me yeah when you see wars being waged in the name of religion it makes you think yes the bottom line is american seems to be losing their faith in organized religion which might be less of a sign of their waning spirituality and more of an indication that it might be time to reorganize. well that brings up today for this hour the kaiser report is here in a couple of minutes we're taking a look at how corporations are trying to exchange their cash for your rights. it always amazes me the lengths that people go to for things that are pointless
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people camped out for a week waiting for a new i phone that will be archaic by next year when the next one comes out every black friday many thankfully not all americans celebrate this holiest of shopping days by waiting outside of a wal-mart in the early morning to fight over trendy plastic gifts for their children that they're too young to appreciate hey even i'm willing to sometimes wake up early in the morning to drive downtown and pay twenty five bucks for parking to watch a football game under cajuns but just imagine a world where we actually were willing to wake up early and stand a big crowd for something say more important than some stupid gizmo or the sake of our favorite sports team just imagine iraq and that world would be yeah maybe standing around at some protester collecting signatures won't do anything we can't be naive enough to think that big corporations will bow to ten people with signs bought spending days worshiping at the altar of the i phone it's certainly won't improve your country but that's just my opinion.
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is the. world to the. audience technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've gone to the future or covered.
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max keiser welcome to the kaiser report workers of the world unite and give up your rights nations of the world you know it and give up their sovereignty yes uniting is the new dividing and conquering states you haven't explained. well max ca is there the first headline the big headline here this week has been george osborne workers of the world unite and give up your rights so he used that famous marx quote to give workers of the world unite but what he means is that companies can now from april give shares worth between two thousand pounds and fifty thousand pounds but in exchange the workers have to give up their rights to claim for unfair dismissal they also have to give up their rights to we've done see payoff if the firm goes under and any rights to demand flexible hours or time off for training oh this is a terrible plan ok. thing from the the slippery snake george was born first of all
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they issue all this new stock to give the workers are merely diluting all the shareholders including the new workers additionally giving away shares now historically at a time when stock markets are trading at their all time highs and that reminds me oh not too long ago when gordon brown decided to do the nation a favor and sell half the nation's gold at an all time low of two hundred fifty dollars an ounce now years georgie porgie was born coming in and saying oh give employer rights we'll give you stock at the tip tippy top of a bull market watch the market collapse watch is to lose your shares down to nothing this is the ultimate won't bomb i mean this is his ancestors are probably in america doing deals with the iroquois well these no right contracts could be extended from april and august board says they will create a new breed of owner employees i think you could probably.


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